Justice for Thomas Ligon
When Thomas suddenly died back in November of 2013, the news and media never realeased his official cause of death statement other than stating they had a very good indicaiton but were waiting for Toxicology. Only those who were very close to Thomas's Family new the true details of the cause of his death, but rumors and speculation spread like wildfire. We wanted justice, not just for Thomas but for his family. We also are passionate about raising awareness that NOT ONLY is is important to screen your children for cardiac abnormalities but one of the MAIN reasons for doing so is to make them aware of their heart's limitations....
On Friday February 27, 2015 Ozark Public Schools announced to the athletic community what Thomas's cause of death was, and honored him for the athlete that he was.... this is only the first step but it's a start...
If Sudden Cardiac Death can take a beautiful soul like Thomas, who appeared to be in the empitome of perfect health, what's to say it can't happen to your child?