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Forrest Robert Varney, was 17 years old the day that he died from a undetected heart problem. Forrest was a junior at Spokane High School where he played on the basketball team. On February 15th, he got up early and went to basketball practice. It was then when Forrest suddenly collapsed and died. They started CPR but could not revive him. Forrest had been to his physicians office that week where no signs or symptoms were identified.
Forrest was an amazing young man that showed no symptoms of anything wrong. He appeared healthy and fit, just like most athletes we know. He was a fun loving, young man with a great sense of humor. His life was cut drastically short because he was unaware of his heart condition. To watch a video of Forrest Go to : "In loving memory of Forrest Varney."
August 2, 1994 - February 15, 2012
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