Robert L. Cowan and Tammy R. Cowan
After Rob and I heard about the deaths of two young athletes in our community, we knew that we had to do something. We had heard of other athlete's dying of sudden cardiac death, but these were too close to home. I told him that this could be our kid, anybodys kid, and that there is no reason why these kids should die. Rob said.. Well you have the equipment ...........do something about it. So I did, I called a Board certified Cardiologist / Pediatric cardiologist Dr James Seward, that we currently work with and was very excited to know that he was working with other organizations around the united states performing who perform sudden cardiac death screenings. From then on things just fell into place.
I know as a parent myself how busy life gets and that bringing this opportunity to the schools and clubs would be the most efficient way to get these athlete's screened. It is very important to us to be able to provide this service to Springfield and the surrounding area. NO ONE should lose a child to this, not when we have the technology that we have available today.
We are very excited to be able to provide this screening to you, your family, your teammates and your students. If you have any questions for us we would love to hear from you.
Rob and Tammy Cowan